The Jhemerlyn Project

Names are more fun in the Philippines

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State University Graduates, 1988—1989: Certificates

One hundred and eight people were awarded certificates for Community Health Nursing, Community Health Work, and Barangay Health Work. Excluding the one person whose sex I failed to determine from a quick search of social media and news articles, there were 91 women and 15 men.

The Women

Among the women, 80 (87.91%) had only one given name and 11 (12.09%) had two.

First Given Names

The most popular initials for the first given name are M (18, 19.78%), E (10, 10.99%), L (10, 10.99%), D (7, 7.69%), and I (7, 7.69%). No one had a first given name that started with K, O, Q, U, X, Y, or Z.

Table 1(a). The most common first given names among women.
Bearers Name
8 Ma.
4 Imelda
3 Wilma
2 Elizabeth, Evelyn, Grace, Lourdes, Marissa
Table 1(b). The most common first given names among women.
Bearers Name
9 Ma. (Maria)
4 Imelda
3 Wilma
2 Elizabeth, Evelyn, Grace, Lourdes, Marissa

Second Given Names

The second given names in the sample are Asuncion, Carminda, Clarpondel, Cristina, Daisy, Glenda, Haidi, Lily, Lourdes, Nancy, and Nelia.

Other Comments

The Men

All the men had only one given name.

The most popular initials for the first given name are D (4, 26.67%) and E (4, 26.67%), followed by R (3, 20%).

Three of them (20%) had a numerical suffix (Jr) attached to their names.


A graduation program that I found at home.